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William and Kate pay tribute to ‘inspiring’ rugby star Dodi Weir, who died at the age of 52


he prince and Princess of Wales hailed rugby great Dodi Weir’s death at the age of 52 after suffering from motor neuron disease as an ‘inspiration’.

former Scotland International was diagnosed with MND In December 2016, he founded the research charity My Name’5 Doddie Foundation (MNDF).

His family announced the death of their “beloved husband and father” in a statement released through the Scottish Rugby Union on Saturday, describing him as an “inspirational force of nature”.

It has been five years since Weir revealed his diagnosis of MND and founded the Neurological Disorders Research Foundation, which has invested around £8m in research projects across the UK.

With an autographed tweet, William and Kate “Dodi Weir was a hero. gave a ration.

“Our thoughts are with all who loved him. The whole world of rugby will miss him.”

Princess Royal, patron of MND Scotland, said: Dodi Weir will be very lonely. He really was bigger than his life, determined, generous and humble. He changed people’s understanding of his MND and research funding.

“I am so grateful to him and his family for sharing their experience. My thoughts and prayers go out to his entire family.”

Sports broadcaster Jill Douglas, chief executive of MNDF and a close friend of Weir, said the foundation will honor his name and work to carry on his legacy.

she said: And it was this approach to life that shined through in his determination to make a difference and help others when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease.

“He inspires us every day with his positivity and energy, and has been very committed to the work of the foundation we launched with our close friends in November 2017.

“The My Name’5 Doddie Foundation will continue to shine a light on MND and the need for meaningful cures so that one day we can find a cure for this devastating disease.”

In a statement, Weir’s family said:

“Dodi was an inspirational force of nature. His inexhaustible energy and drive, as well as his strength of character, carried him through his rugby and business careers, allowing him to battle the effects of the MND for many years. I believe we did it.

“Dodi infused our lives with the same energy and even more love and fun. He was a true family man. Words cannot express how much we miss him.” is difficult.

“MND took a lot from Dodi, but never his spirit and determination. He fought MND very bravely. His own fight may be over, but His battle continues through his foundation until a cure is found for all those with this devastating disease.

“Hamish, Angus, Ben and I thank you all for your support and for respecting our privacy during this difficult time. Cathy Weir.

Weir’s death came less than two weeks after making a rare appearance at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield in Scotland’s defeat to New Zealand.The Scottish team wore their numbers in Weir’s famous blue and yellow tartan. Wearing specially created shirts attached to them, they marked the foundation’s five-year milestones.

Saturday was flooded with tributes from the fields of politics, sports and the arts.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tweeted: All my family thoughts are with Kathy and her sons. “

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: ‘So sad. was doing.

“He refused to allow it to darken his spirit and did much to help others. My condolences to his loved ones.”

Scottish Conservative Party leader Douglas Ross Tweeting that Weir’s “valiant battle over a cure for MND was an inspiration”, Scottish Labor leader Anas Sarwar said Weir “inspired many to fight MND”. I have become an advocate for those who are,” he wrote.

Ross and Sarwar said their thoughts and prayers went out to Weir’s family and friends.

Kevin Sinfield, who completed seven consecutive ultramarathons to raise money for MND’s cause, said: .He will always be the champion.”

The charity praised Weir’s work to raise awareness about MND.

MND Scotland Chief Executive Officer Rachel Maitland said:

The MND Association tweeted:

Writer Ian Rankin tweeted, “Terrible news. He has done a lot to raise awareness for MND and has done a lot of charitable work after his diagnosis. Rest easy big man.”

JK Rowling tweeted a photo with Weir and wrote: He was a wonderful, funny, warm and brave man who will be sorely missed. “

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/mnd-prince-william-and-kate-douglas-ross-scotland-b1042894.html William and Kate pay tribute to ‘inspiring’ rugby star Dodi Weir, who died at the age of 52

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