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New Zealand

Qantas plane lands safely in Sydney after ‘Mayday’ distress call over Pacific


passenger plane flying from new zealand landed safely sydney on Wednesday after it caused concern when it issued a Mayday distress call Pacific ocean.

of Qantas Airways Airmail from Auckland In a statement issued before landing, a company spokesperson said the alert was issued after a problem with one of the engines occurred during the hour-long flight over the open sea from its destination of Sydney. says.

The Mayday signal, which indicates serious and imminent danger, was downgraded to “help needed” before landing, the spokesperson added.

Emergency services flew a Boeing 737-800 jet, believed to be capable of carrying about 190 people, when it landed at Sydney Airport at around 3:30pm local time (4:30am in the UK). encountered.

Qantas said it will share more information once the aircraft has been evaluated by engineers.

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/qantas-airways-new-zealand-sydney-australia-mayday-distress-pacific-lands-safely-b1053791.html Qantas plane lands safely in Sydney after ‘Mayday’ distress call over Pacific

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