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New Zealand

Mike King beats suicide rate, appeals for better spirits

Mike King broke down in tears on the radio discussing New Zealand’s latest suicide rate.

He says the system is broken and needs to be fixed urgently.

New Zealand’s suicide rate has fallen for the third year in a row, but statistics show the Maori people are still being hit hard.

The deputy chief coroner has released figures through June 30, 2022. These represent 538 deaths from suspected suicide, from his 607 in 2021 and his 628 in 2020.

Despite the fall, King wants more help. In his Morning Rumble for The Rock, the “founder of I Am Hope” tearfully said:

“Because no one will come. Now we can sit down and complain about it, or we can do one of two things about it: we can invest in our own system. gunboots fridayif you can’t invest, stop being silent.

“You need to speak up about this.

“I’m tired of people coming up to me and saying, ‘I love Mike’s posts.

“What, you mean the post about the mother who lost her child?

“These posts are not for you to love.

“You are not meant to like these posts. You are meant to be hurt by these posts. You should be frightened by these posts. You are going to be horrified. You are going to be angry.” I’m going to

“Don’t just keep quiet and let other people do it just because they’re tired.

“I’m sick of all this…Social media virtue signals tell me what I should do…I can’t do it…

“I hear parents talking all the time about their kids leaving their socks on the floor. Hundreds of them.

“The system is a mess and no one is doing anything about it.”

Clearly moved by his words, the Morning Rumble hosts gathered around King.

They stressed to him that he makes a difference at fundraising events gunboots fridayis a charity that provides free counseling to young people in New Zealand.

Social media commenters sent King supportive messages urging him not to give up his work in the mental health field.

Mike King has long been open about his dissatisfaction with New Zealand’s funding of mental health services.

In June 2021, he returned the NZ Order of Merit awarded in 2019 for his contributions to raising mental health awareness and preventing suicide. He cited his lack of progress in these areas as the reason for returning his medals.

He has repeatedly criticized Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Ministry of Health for underinvesting in mental health services.

Also, in June 2021, the Ministry of Health refused funding. gunboots fridaysaid it was applied “outside the planned procurement process.”

gunboots fridayNonetheless, it continues to raise funds and will be held today, November 4th.

People can donate $3 to Boots by messaging 469 or Financial contributions in other ways.

1 cent goes to counseling Kiwi children and adolescents.


Where to find help and support:

  • Shine (domestic violence) – 0508 744 633
  • Women’s Shelter – 0800 733 843 (0800 Shelter)
  • need to talk? – call or text 1737
  • What’s New – 0800 What’s New (0800 942 8787)
  • Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland
  • Youthline – 0800 376 633, text 234, email talk@youthline.co.nz or online chat
  • Samaritan – 0800 726 666
  • Depression Helpline – 0800 111 757
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
  • Shakti Community Council – 0800 742 584

additional reading

News Categories: new zealand.

https://cathnews.co.nz/2022/11/03/mike-king-suicide-rates-mental-health-services/ Mike King beats suicide rate, appeals for better spirits

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