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New Zealand

Jacinda Ardern Attends Labor Conference

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivers opening remarks at the 2022 Labor Party Congress. Video / NZ Herald

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern led the party’s congregation as the Labor Party’s annual conference kicked off in Auckland tonight.

Ardern wore the “Labour Leader” to try and galvanize Labor followers for the party’s final meeting before the election year. In election years, the Labor Party holds a party convention.

Ardern did not make a policy announcement, but cited the party’s “achievements” over the past five years.

Her speech was to be followed by a history lecture on the Norman Kirk era by former Waitakere mayor Sir Bob Harvey, who is credited with changing the public image of Kirk and Lange.

The Labor Party meeting continues over the weekend, ending the term of leader Claire Szabó. Szabó, who has held the role since 2019, is stepping down.

She will be replaced by former Wellington City Councilor Jill Day.

The conference will also hear from CTU Secretary Melissa Ansel Bridges and Treasury Spokesperson (and Treasurer) Grant Robertson before concluding with Ardern’s keynote address on Sunday.

This is an important meeting for Labor as they try to stabilize their ships for an election year.

After Christopher Luxon ascended to the leadership of the National Party, the party’s approval ratings have steadily declined.

Labor, led by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, will return to face-to-face meetings this year for the first time since 2020. Photo/Jed Bradley
Labor, led by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, will return to face-to-face meetings this year for the first time since 2020. Photo/Jed Bradley

But Labor has only lagged behind the National Party, and in many cases is practically even with the main opposition.

Ardern comes to the conference with questions over the popularity of the Three Waters reform and social unemployment insurance, both of which are fiercely opposed by the National, which calls the latter an ’employment tax’.

Speculation is growing that President Ardern will water down the reforms or restart them.

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12571746&ref=rss Jacinda Ardern Attends Labor Conference

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