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New Zealand

China Market Exchange Rates — Jan 4

BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhua News Agency) — Below are the central parities of the Chinese currency yuan or renminbi against 24 major currencies released by the China Foreign Exchange Trading System on Wednesday.

Currency Unit Central parity in RMB

USD 100 691.31

100 Euro 729.21

Japanese Yen 100 5.2677

Hong Kong Dollar 100 88.467

British Pound 100 827.48

Australian dollar 100 464.69

New Zealand Dollar 100 431.75

Singapore Dollar 100 513.85

Swiss franc 100 738.42

Canadian Dollar 100 505.55

Malaysian ringgit 63.766 100

Ruble 1,056.36 100

Rand 246.34 100

Korean Won 18,474 100

United Arab Emirates Dirham 53.13 100

Saudi Riyal 54.378 100

Hungarian Forint 5,487.22 100

Polish Zloty 64.081 100

Danish krone 101.98 100

Swedish krona 152.87 100

Norwegian krone 145.93 100

Turkish lira 271.098 100

Mexican Peso 280.80 100

Thai Baht 497.54 100

The RMB/USD central rate is based on a weighted average of prices quoted by market makers before the opening of the interbank market each business day.

The central parity of RMB against the Hong Kong dollar is based on the central parity of RMB against the US dollar on the international foreign exchange market at 9:00 am on the same day and the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar. Business day.

The RMB central rate against the other 22 currencies is based on average prices quoted by market makers prior to the opening of the interbank foreign exchange market.

http://www.newzealandnews.net/news/273310581/market-exchange-rates-in-china—-jan-4 China Market Exchange Rates — Jan 4

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