Jacinda Ardern resigns before being kicked out by lockdown-weary voters…

There was something quietly impressive about the way Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation as New Zealand’s prime minister this week.

She never lost an election, nor did she have a bloody backstage coup by a party rebel.


There was something striking about the way Jacinda Ardern announced her resignationCredit: AFP
Ardern's promise to be there for Neve when he starts school this year has spoken a lot


Ardern’s promise to be there for Neve when he starts school this year has spoken a lotCredit: AFP or Licensor

It was simply, she said, that after five “challenging” years, she “nothing left in the tank”.

But I think that’s not all.

once popular, in Ardern severe Response to Covid Her poll ratings plummeted.

Her Labor Party now lags behind its Conservative rivals and the next election is just months away in October.

This will be the first opportunity for Kiwi voters to have their say since locking them down with some of the world’s toughest anti-Covid restrictions.

Ardern closure new zealandcrossed borders for more than two years, separating families and trapping foreigners abroad.

Loved ones died alone and unseen, friends were kept away from funerals, and newborn babies remained strangers to grandparents.

In a clumsy attempt to appear more compassionate, her government has introduced an online lottery that allows residents trapped abroad to win the right to enter their country.

More than 50,000 applied each month, but only 5,000 were allowed through expensive quarantine hotels guarded by the military.

It didn’t help that these strict rules didn’t apply to the rich and famous.Those who could afford to arrive by private jet were allowed to quarantine at home.

Massive and sometimes violent protests after President Ardern Mandatory vaccination For teachers, police officers, military and healthcare workers.

And the country’s economy is still reeling from the chain reaction of severe lockdowns and lagging behind in its response to globalization. cost of living crisis.

Undeterred by the backlash against it, she introduced the law. raise the minimum smoking age Until it’s completely illegal — a classic “nanny knows best” move.

Ardern’s five-year journey from beloved public to micro-manager is a lesson for all politicians.

even a dictator Chinaa rebellious public, fed up with draconian lockdown restrictions, managed to force change.


Jacinda is only 42 and the mother of 4-year-old Neve with husband Clarke.Credit: Getty

people like freedom And he one of their favorite freedoms is the right to change his mind about a leader.

That said, when Jacinda Ardern claims she suffers from burnout, I believe her. increase.

“Not because I believe I can’t win the election, but because I believe I can,” she insisted, calling for someone new to bear the burden.

42 years old, mother 4 year old nevewho was born shortly after taking office, said she thought about her future during the Christmas holidays and hoped to find the heart and energy to continue.

“But unfortunately I have not. To continue would be to the detriment of New Zealand,” she explained.

Ardern’s promise to be by his side as he enters school this year says a lot.

Her admission was true that when she was struggling to keep her composure, she was simply running empty-handed.

But even if her party was gaining momentum in the polls, I still can’t convince myself that she would be walking away.

She’s not about quitting when she’s leading, rather than quitting before it can be an election disaster.

And one of her own works.

It’s time to shut up, Harry


New poll suggests less than a quarter of people have a favorable view of Prince HarryCredit: Getty

Popularity of prince harry Plummeting – Anyone Surprised?

According to a new poll, less than a quarter of us Montecito moans after his release The memoir that tells it all Spare.

Harry has seen a sharp decline in personal popularity in recent years. But since his book was published, things have only seemed to escalate.

And it’s affecting the wider family as well.

all members of royal family It turns out that it’s been less popular lately than it was in December. queenits popularity rate remained unchanged.

In his book, Harry said that Camilla was his “evil stepmotherr’ and begged Charles not to marry her.


His decline in popularity appears to have escalated since his book was publishedCredit: Darren Fletcher

It’s a rather pleasant irony that she remains unscathed.

However, if Harry wants to improve on these ratings, it would be wise to wear socks.

There’s a good reason Peter feels like a monastery


Abbie Clancy and Peter Crouch have been married for 11 years and have four childrenCredit: Instagram


The former England striker took his stunning wife to an ‘old man’s pub’ on their first date.Credit: Mega

peter crouch is Premier League Class on the pitch, but off the pitch he was strictly lower league.

Former England striker and beautiful wife Abbie Clancy He revealed that he took him to “Oyaji’s Izakaya” on his first date.

And the first time she came home with him, he had no sheets on the bed. The toilet was dirty.

Fortunately peterAbby decided he was “the one” that day.

Seems like she was spot on like a couple has been 11 years married and have four children.

Peter best answered the famous question of what he would have been if he hadn’t become a footballer.

“I’m a virgin,” he replied wittyly.

A story for us women


Tammy Wynette famous for singing “Being a woman can be hard”credit:

It was Tammy Wynette, who famously sang “Being a Woman Can Be Hard”.

I don’t want to challenge her, but unfortunately she is wrong. It’s a lot harder.

According to new figures this week, mothers in England and Wales older than ever.

There are many reasons for that, but perhaps the biggest is that more women are pursuing careers.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the average age of childbearing in 2021 will be 30.9, nearly five years younger than in the 1970s, when the average was just 26.4.

Fertility rates have also fallen further than previously estimated and are now at record lows.

birth in Woman Today, there are twice as many mothers over the age of 40 as teens, but just 50 years ago, teenage mothers had nine times as many babies as mothers over the age of 40.

It seems we can never win. Wait until you’re stable in her 30s with a decent career and financial independence, and society says you’re too old to have children.

But if you give birth in your 20s and have to rely on benefits, you will be labeled as a beggar.

This is truly a women’s struggle.

No one makes negative comments about the age at which men have children.


Young in your 20s, stud in your 90s like Bernie Ecclestonecredit:

If you’re in your 20s, you’re young, if you’re in your 90s, Bernie Ecclestone you are a stud!

If anyone is reading these stats and worried, here’s some free advice.

And don’t let others tell you.

Rob is Nana

in the meantime Robert Pattinson It may have been something of a teenage dream for Twilight, but his new target audience might be a little older.

The former Heart Pound recently stepped out at Dior’s Paris Fashion Week show in this knee-length tweed skirt and fluffy brown jacket.

Combined with the turtleneck and sheer knee-high socks, it looked like Rob had raided his late grandma’s wardrobe.

The design is part of the French fashion house’s latest collection, and as a brand ambassador, I can’t help but wonder how much they paid him to wear this get-up.

I hope a lot.

meth is getting worse

Hotline for reporting abuse complaints against Met officers after PC David Carrick Rape Scandali hit 700 calls in one day.

It is tragic that so many people would even need such a phone line, let alone feel the need to dial in.


PC David Carrick admitted to over 80 sex crimes, including at least 48 rapes.Credit: Reuters

It was announced after Carrick admitted to more than 80 sex crimes, including at least 48 rapes.

he came to police He was reprimanded nine times for rape and other allegations, but continued to work.

of Met’s new chief, Sir Mark Lawrie Police have admitted that they “failed”, but words alone are not enough.

Police are currently investigating 1,000 sexual and domestic abuse allegations involving about 800 officers, the commissioner said.

Sir Mark also announced all 45,000 met Officers and staff are rechecked for previously overlooked crimes.

He wants to change things and I truly believe he needs to. Women should be able to trust and rely on the police, but it’s still a long way off at this point.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21121042/jacinda-arden-new-zealand-quits-voting-disaster/ Jacinda Ardern resigns before being kicked out by lockdown-weary voters…

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