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New Zealand

Ballantine announces future plans

Following the sale of Partners Life to Dai-ichi Life, Founder and Managing Director Naomi Ballantine outlines plans for the future.

Friday, May 26, 2023, 11:40 am

Partners Life founder and managing director Naomi Ballantine plans to retire at the end of March 2024.

The first acquired Partners Group Holdings for $1 billion in August 2022.

In a video sent to Partners’ insurance adviser, Ballantine asserted he was not pressured by the first company.

“Before anyone speculated that my resignation may have been partially prompted by Dai-ichi Life,” she said, she plans to engage in consulting work for the global Dai-ichi Life business after leaving. Stated.

The Japan-based company “was incredibly kind and supportive of my decision…as an owner, I couldn’t be more impressed,” she said.

Ballantine said the sale would secure Partners Life as a “perpetual company” and he was confident to leave the company “under the safest conditions.”

She has spent 41 years in the New Zealand life insurance industry, 35 years of which was involved in starting and building three of the country’s largest life insurance companies, including 12 years at Partners Life.

The other two companies are Sovereign and Club Life (now called OnePath Life).

“I have loved every moment of my career in an industry that is doing great things for New Zealanders without any frills, and the competition I have brought has made a positive difference in the industry. I am very proud of that,” said Ballantine. He said.

tag: partners life

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https://www.goodreturns.co.nz/article/976521774/ballantyne-announces-her-future-plans.html?utm_source=GR&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=Ballantyne+announces+her+future+plans Ballantine announces future plans

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