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New Zealand

The sea, brotherhood and a shared mission

Dozens of Catholic bishops from Oceania, including four from New Zealand, have come to Fiji to share their mission.

The Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania meet every four years to reflect and pray about their common mission in the region.

Attendees included representatives of the Conference of Bishops from Australia, Papua New Guinea/Solomon Islands, Pacific Islands and New Zealand.

Completing a joint response to the working document of the continental phase of the Global Bishops Conference is an important part of this week’s work.

So does the theme “Save the Ocean to Save Mother Earth”. It is included in the Continental Phase of the Synod on Synodality.

work program

Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, opened the conference on Sunday, emphasizing its two themes: climate change and synodality.

“Climate change falls under ‘care for our common home,’ which again means consideration for the ocean,” he said.

He recognized the many tensions affecting the region, including unsustainable exploitation of marine resources, human trafficking, migration and geopolitical conflicts.

In response, the church is proposing “integrated human development,” he said.

The Church must “enrich the present” by being close to people. He stressed that this must begin with listening to them.

The Synod process begins with a “genuine conversion,” which includes acknowledging “our individual and collective complicity in the degradation of our environment, and such dire consequences for poor and marginalized communities.” have to start.

But the work being done in Oceania is not being done in isolation, he added.

“You are not at sea alone in this voyage of discovery and transformation. Pope Francis, the Holy See, the Synod Secretariat and Decastery, the Integrative Human Development, are with you.”

First and foremost, their work includes “recognizing and supporting the work that bishops do for the Gospel and for the Church,” as well as “making it possible for people to live a full life in Christ.” , he explained.

This week, each of the four bishops’ synods presented a video highlighting the synod’s travels in their respective regions, and saw additional videos depicting the voice of the sea. They have also seen firsthand the effects of climate and environmental change.

Bishop Michael Dooley of Dunedin says decisive action is needed from the church and its leaders on climate issues.

“I believe that as a church we need to speak for vulnerable people who do not have the opportunity to have their voices heard.

Bishop Steve Lowe of Auckland echoed this view when he celebrated Mass on Wednesday. In his sermons he called on the bishops to insist that the poor and the earth be the breath of life.

Become more synodal

To help bishops seeking synodality, Vatican Speaker Sr. Natalie Bekar made a presentation. She likened synchronicity to someone who grows over time but who she remains.

Synodality can only be learned together, she explained. It is inherent in the identity of the church. So the current Synod agenda is really ecclesiastical identity.


additional reading

News Categories: new zealand, palmerston.

https://cathnews.co.nz/2023/02/09/oceans-synodality-shared-mission-oceanias-bishops/ The sea, brotherhood and a shared mission

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