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Get ready for the National Accessibility, Inclusion and Disability Expo

As Nydex celebrates its 50th anniversary and is the most important event for the disabled community to make new connections, browse products, services and adaptations for independent living, share experiences and create an inclusive and accessible provide an opportunity to work together to remove social barriers. It’s also a great place to meet friends and family and enjoy an exciting day.

Naidex is for everyone and welcomes everyone living with a disability as well as those who care for or donate to the community. The event spans two days, so you’ll have plenty of time to discover everything Naidex has to offer.

The 50th The Nydex celebration takes place in 22-23 March 2023, NEC, Birmingham Participation is free.

Naidex offers content and features that cover the entire lifestyle including mobility, employment and work, health and wellbeing, independent living, family, sports, rehabilitation/care, relationships, entertainment, food and drink.

what happened

Naidex features over 200 product and service exhibits and a marketplace affiliated with Disability Horizons to browse everyday aids.

There is also a live performance space called the Village Green, with demonstrations by musicians, dancers, comedians, athletes, chefs and entertainers. as a fraction of 50th To celebrate his birthday, the main stage will host the Nidex Comedy Hour with a complimentary appearance by Aaron Simmons and The Lost Voice Guy.

You can also try out the mobility test track or tackle the adaptive climbing wall.

for trade Expertexplore the latest technologies and innovations in the market, find new suppliers, and speak directly with leading manufacturers, retailers and distributors serving this sector.

for healthcare professionalparticipate in live demonstrations showcasing mobility and assistive technologies, care, education, sports and lifestyle, and accessible living solutions to help provide clients with a people-centred approach in procuring products and services. increase.

great speaker

Catch the Ellie Simmons OBE, Tommy Jessop, Lauren Steadman MBE, or Steve Thompson MBE on the main stage. Immerse yourself in live performances at The Village Green, including inclusive dance workshops with special guests from Kate Stanforth Dance Academy, Arsenal Football Club or Cookfulness.

For those who work in health care, enhance your professional development with the CPD Certification Seminar agenda. The Accessibility and Care Theater will host a Steve Ford session. Or Georgia Vine: Critically Analyzing Occupational Therapy Practice Through the Eyes of People with Disabilities.

There will also be sessions from Wiltshire Farm Foods, The Disability Policy Centre, Purple Tuesday and Home Office throughout the two-day event.

2023 Naidex Agenda is LIVE – see the agenda.

We look forward to seeing other Naidex exhibits at the NEC in Birmingham on March 22-23, 2023.

You can register for a free ticket to Naidex hereor www.naidex.co.uk.

Follow Enable on social media for the latest news and interviews. twitter, Facebook again Instagram.

http://enablemagazine.co.uk/get-ready-for-the-national-accessibility-inclusion-and-disability-expo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=get-ready-for-the-national-accessibility-inclusion-and-disability-expo Get ready for the National Accessibility, Inclusion and Disability Expo

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