Food costs skyrocket in New Zealand: See how prices have changed in this interactive chart | New Zealand
New Zealanders see prices for basic foods such as eggs, yogurt and potatoes soaring while supermarket profits are so high, the recession is projected to get even worse.
Government data released on Monday showed New Zealand food prices rose 12.1% year-on-year. Perishables were the hardest hit, with fruits and vegetables up 22% and groceries up 14%. Eggs increased by 63% year-on-year and yogurt increased by 21.7%. Pastry products rose 17.6% and poultry rose 15.2%.
Here you can see the price changes over time for all food and group items that Stats NZ tracks.
An interactive chart shows the percentage change in price and compares the price of a particular month to the same month of the previous year.
You can switch to show the price index. This represents the cost of the item in June 2017 as 1,000 and the other years are displayed against this.
The rise in prices comes as supermarket profits remain high in New Zealand and the government continues to investigate how to better regulate them. Supermarket Corporation DuopolyThe Commission of Commerce concluded that in 2022, major supermarkets will generate excess profits of about $430 million annually, or 12.9% return on capital.
“It’s hitting everyone,” said Taupo’s Isobial Jackson, who said the cost of egg trays had more than doubled. Jackson launched his group online to share tips and tricks for saving the budget during New Zealand’s coronavirus lockdown. The group has grown to his nearly 10,000 members, exchanging advice on everything from how to make bulk dog food yourself to how to dry chicken skins to make seasoning salt.
Jackson says the group is trying to keep things positive and upbeat. But sometimes, from exchanging recipes and reflecting on cost-effective investments in growing vegetables, to helping members share their mental health sacrifices and how to extend their $100 to support his family of four. The discussion can escalate to asking for week. “There’s not a single person who doesn’t feel it,” she says.
Growing frustration with supermarket profits. This week, a consortium of 46 New Zealand producers and suppliers published the gross profit margins supermarkets made on some of their products. It’s like the price of lettuce has doubled for him between suppliers and supermarket shelves. ‘It’s the consumer who’s being deceived’ They told TV station Newshub on Monday.
Foodstuffs, one of New Zealand’s two leading supermarket companies, responded in a statement: , accounts for 68 cents of all retail dollars on the shelf. “
Inflation in New Zealand remains high at 7.2% per annum. Some big banks predict a difficult year ahead for the economy. The ASB’s chief economist, Nick Tuffley, said the bank is forecasting a longer and deeper recession than previously expected.
“The economy is collapsing a little faster than expected.
The bank expected that the rising cost of living would add about $150 a week to household expenses. “Although wages have risen significantly again this year, I doubt that household income growth will keep pace with these increases,” he said. “This year is going to be a tough year.” Food costs skyrocket in New Zealand: See how prices have changed in this interactive chart | New Zealand